
Fellow Finance Plc and Crowdcredit, Inc. celebrate the successful completion of the Strategic Partnership


Joint Press Release

Fellow Finance Plc and Crowdcredit, Inc. celebrate
the successful completion of the Strategic Partnership


December 4, 2015 – Fellow Finance Plc (“FF”) and Crowdcredit, Inc. (“CCI”) are pleased to announce the successful completion of the strategic partnership. As the result of the partnership, CCI will launch the investment funds whose assets will be invested into the Finnish borrowers through the web-based platform developed by FF.

This strategic partnership will enable to create the benefit to both Finnish retail borrowers and Japanese individual investors as the Finnish retail borrowers shall be able to expect more efficient loan contracts based on the competitive interest rate on the web-based platform developed by FF and, Japanese individual investors shall be able to expect one more asset class; “Lending to Finnish borrowers”, which have the possibility of the higher risk- adjusted investment returns in the long term.

The Fellow Finance team has on average over 15 years experience in Finance with focus in development of saving, investing, financing and collection services in Europe. In addition, the team has been operationally responsible in these fields. During their careers, they have granted over 550 million Euro worth of customer loans in Europe. Simultaneously they have been able to offer investment solutions for investors.


Mr. Jouni Hintikka, CEO, of FF comments:

“Through our partnership with CrowdCredit we are happy to be able to offer this investment opportunity now also to Japanese investors. Being a licensed and Japanese FSA supervised investment fund specializing in p2p-investing instruments CrowdCredit forms an excellent partner to be able to offer this asset class for Japanese investors. CrowdCredit co-operation enables the Japanese investors to invest directly in Finnish consumer loans. We see this as a natural continuum to opening the Fellow Finance platform to European investors earlier this year.”

CCI has, since its launch of the first investment fund in June 2014, given liquidity to European and Latin American borrowers whilst offering Japanese individual investors opportunities to invest in overseas retail loans in order to build a Win-Win relationship through the Crowdcredit platform.


Mr. Tomoyuki Sugiyama, CEO of CCI comments:

“We are extremely proud to this strategic partnership with FF, as we shall be able to provide the access to another high potential asset class to Japanese individual investors. As FF has been the biggest marketplace lending platform in Finland and their average borrower is a 45-year old Finnish person with the median income of EUR 2,500 from their permanent employment, the asset class of Lending to Finnish borrowers shall attract Japanese individual investors from the viewpoint of its reliability and estimated financial returns.”


About Fellow Finance Plc

Fellow Finance Plc was established in 2013 to develop and maintain high-quality, data-secure online services and to offer marketplaces throughout Europe. Fellow Finance offers the most advanced peer-to-peer lending service for private persons in Scandinavia, enabling people to apply for a loan under their own terms and conditions and the lenders, i.e. investors, to gain a competitive, predictable interest income on the granted loans.


About Crowdcredit, Inc.

Crowdcredit, Inc. was founded in January 2013 to provide the more efficient global money flow – filling both funding gaps and lending gaps on a global basis by connecting borrowers and lenders around the world. As at November 2015, the company has collected over JPY 200 million funds from the investors and given the liquidity to European and Latin American borrowers.


For more information, please contact Mr. Antoni Airkkala, Director for New Markets at Fellow Finance and Mr. Heimon Sei, Sales Manager at CrowdCredit Inc.




Fellow Finance Plc と Crowdcredit, Inc.、戦略的業務提携に合意


2015年12月4日 – Fellow Finance Plc (“FF”) と Crowdcredit, Inc. (“CCI”) は戦略的業務提携の締結に合意しました。本合意により、CCI はFF が開発したウェブ上のプラットフォームを通してフィンランド個人に貸付を行う投資商品を組成してまいります。


Fellow Finance のチームメンバーは、ヨーロッパ域内で平均して15年以上の預金・投資・金融・資金回収関連業務経験をもっています。また、同チームは上記業務エリアに対して業務の信頼を寄せられる専門家集団となっています。チームメンバーの現在までのキャリアにおいて、彼らが過去にヨーロッパ域内で組成した顧客向け貸出は550百万ユーロ以上の金額になっており、また投資家に対しても競争力のある投資上のソリューションを提供し続けています。


FFのCEO であるMr. Jouni Hintikka は以下のコメントをしております:





「我々は、日本の投資家に高いポテンシャルを持った新たなアセットクラスを提供することが可能になるFellow Finance Plcとの戦略的提携に至ったことを大変誇りに思います。Fellow Finance のプラットフォームはフィンランド国内において最大の個人向けローン市場となっており、その平均的な借り手は45歳程度で月に約2,500ユーロの収入を正社員として得ているフィンランドの個人となっているため、日本の投資家にとってフィンランド個人向け貸付投資は信頼性と期待収益の観点から魅力的なものとなっています」


Fellow Finance Plc について

Fellow Finance Plc は2013年の創業から、高品質でデータ機密性を保持したオンラインのローン市場サービスをヨーロッパ域内で展開しております。Fellow Finance は、先進的なP2P貸付サービスによってスカンジナビアの個人が自らの設定条件でローンを申請することを可能にするとともに、貸し手である投資家に競争力があって将来の金利収入の見込みをたてられるローン資産を提供しています。





本プレスリリースについて、より詳しい情報をご希望のかたはFellow Finance Plc のMr. Antoni Airkkala, Director for New Markets、もしくはクラウドクレジット株式会社のセールスマネージャー成炳門(せいへいもん)までご連絡ください。